Article I. Meetings of the Congregation Section 1. At or shortly following the beginning of each of the first three quarters of the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) a regular meeting of the Congregation’s voters shall be held. The next fiscal year’s budget shall be presented and approved at the quarterly meeting in April. The fourth quarter meeting will be held in July immediately following the end of the fiscal year. Elections of the Church Council shall be held at the quarterly meeting in October. Section 2. The Church Council shall set the exact date, time, and place of the meetings, unless otherwise specified by the Congregation. Announcements of the meetings shall be given in print, electronically, and/or orally on at least two different Sundays prior to the time of the meeting. Section 3. Special meetings of the Congregation may be called by the Church Council, the pastor, or upon written request of three voting members. Such meetings must be announced according to the general rule set forth in Section 2 with the purpose(s) clearly stated. Section 4. The regular July meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting. Section 5. The order of business for the regular meetings may be as follows: A. Opening with a devotion B. Reading and approval of minutes of the previous regular or intervening special meetings C. Reception of new members, transfers, and release or removal from membership D. Reports of officers, pastor, and any standing committees E. Unfinished business F. Recommendations of the Church Council and new business G. Elections H. Adjournment with prayer Section 6. The meetings shall be conducted according to good, Christian order. Robert’s Rules of Order may be followed for the parliamentary procedure. Section 7. No one shall bring to any meeting a charge or complaint against any member or against a pastor, a teacher, or a staff minister unless he has first admonished him in a Christian manner in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20. Section 8. Only voting members present at the meeting shall have the right to vote. Section 9. Voting members shall be restricted to male voting members who have reached the age of eighteen. Section 10. Voting members shall sign, and thereby indicating their acceptance of, the official copy of the Constitution and Bylaws at the meeting of the Congregation in which they were received or as soon thereafter as possible.
Article II. Quorum The voting members present at a properly announced meeting of the Congregation shall constitute a quorum.
Article III. The Church Council Section 1. Structure and Powers A. The voters’ assembly shall elect by ballot at the October meeting as specified in the Bylaws, Article I, a Church Council composed of at least seven members, or as many members as the voters’ assembly by resolution shall from time to time determine. B. The Church Council shall control the corporate property of the Congregation according to the direction given to it by the voters’ assembly. The Church Council is hereby empowered to borrow money, pledge the assets of the Congregation, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the real property of the Congregation all at the direction of the voters’ assembly. It shall also have the right to acquire property by any legal means as directed by the voters’ assembly. The president and the secretary (or the treasurer, in the secretary’s absence) are hereby designated as the persons who shall sign all the documents of the Congregation. C. The pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the council. Other called workers (the principal of the school and any staff ministers, etc.) may be advisory members of the Church Council. Section 2. Term of Office The term of office for each council member shall be two (2) years. The offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Children’s Ministry Committee shall expire at the end of even numbered years. The offices of Financial Secretary, Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee, and the Chairman of the Evangelism Committee shall expire at the end of the odd numbered years. Elections for the Church Council shall be held in October. Section 3. Organization Not later than the following month’s scheduled council meeting, the Church Council shall meet to elect from its own members a vice-president who shall chair the meetings of the Church Council and Congregation in the absence of the president. Section 4. Relationships The Church Council shall be responsible and accountable to the voters; assembly and committees shall be responsible and accountable to the Church Council. Section 5. Installation As soon as possible after the election and organization, the new members of the Church Council shall be installed in office at a regular service and shall thus be presented to the Congregation. Section 6. Meetings The Church Council shall meet regularly, normally once each month. Special meetings may be called by the pastor or president. The council shall not convene to transact business without the knowledge of the pastor. The voting members present at a properly announced meeting of the Church Council shall constitute a quorum. Section 7. Responsibilities The members of the Church Council shall adorn their high office with a godly way of life and be good examples to the Congregation (1 Timothy 3:8-12). They shall be responsible for the spiritual and material affairs of the Congregation under the guidance of the pastor. They shall be responsible for good order in the services. They shall particularly care in love for their fellow members who have special needs (Galatians 6:9-10). The members of the Church Council shall consult together concerning the total spiritual and physical well-being of the Congregation giving due attention also to the work of the Lord in the church-at-large. The Church Council shall implement resolutions of the voters’ assembly and conduct such assignments as are directed to it by the voters’ assembly. It shall recommend to the voters’ assembly the annual budget of the Congregation. Section 8. Vacancies In the event of a vacancy on the Church Council, the vacancy shall be filled at the next meeting of the voters’ assembly by the ballot from a list of candidates proposed by the Church Council. The President shall make an interim appointment to fill the vacancy until the election can be held.
Article IV. Duties of the Officers Section 1. President The president, who also serves as director, shall preside as chairman of all business sessions of the Congregation and Church Council and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him. He shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Congregation and conduct all its business affairs according to established good order. He shall sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the Congregation. He shall ensure that the Congregation’s financial records are audited annually and that a report of the audit is presented to the voters at the meeting following the close of the fiscal year. The president is an ex-officio member of all boards and committees. Section 2. Secretary The secretary, who also serves as director, shall record accurately the proceedings of all meetings of the Congregation and the Church Council. He shall be responsible for the legal records of the Congregation. He shall have the authority to countersign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents executed by the Congregation and assist in the orderly conduct of its business affairs according to the established good order. He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Congregation. Section 3. Treasurer The treasurer, who also serves as director shall receive from the financial secretary a monthly report of all monies received and credit the same to the proper accounts. He shall make disbursements according to the instructions from the Church Council as directed by the Congregation. He shall make a monthly report to the Church Council, quarterly financial reports to the voters’ assembly and special reports whenever the Church Council shall so request. He shall submit his records annually for audit or at any time the voters’ assembly so desires. On the absence of the secretary, he shall have the authority to countersign legal documents on behalf of the Congregation. In the event the treasurer is unable to perform his duties, the president or secretary shall have the authority to do so. Section 4. Financial Secretary The financial secretary, who also serves as director, shall receive and deposit all contributions from the Congregation in the designated depository bank(s). He shall keep an accurate account of the same and deliver a report of them to the treasurer, indicating the proper accounts to be credited. He shall make a report of the regular meetings of the Congregation and submit his books for the audit annually or at any time the voters’ assembly so desires. He shall submit to the members a quarterly report on the Congregation’s offerings. Section 5. Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee The Building and Grounds Committee shall consist of the Chairman and at least two other communicant members of the Congregation. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chairman and ratified by the Church Council. At least one other member shall be a voting member of the Congregation. All members of the committee will serve for a term of two (2) years. The committee is responsible for the supervision, repair, and upkeep of the Congregation’s property. The committee shall ensure that all real estate and other property is insured against damage and loss, that deeds and abstracts and other valuable documents of the Congregation are safely secured. The committee will supervise all maintenance and prepare an annual plan of ministry and budget that addresses facility upkeep. The Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee may establish work teams, subcommittees, task forces, etc. as he deems necessary to conduct the work of the Committee. Section 6. Chairman of the Evangelism Committee The Evangelism Committee shall consist of the Chairman and at least two other communicant members of the Congregation. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chairman and ratified by the Church Council. At least one other member shall be a voting member of the Congregation. All members of the committee will serve for a term of two (2) years. The Evangelism Committee shall establish and maintain an active program for the Congregation to reach out to the neighborhood and the community with the gospel. It shall also promote the work that the Congregation does together with its fellow Congregations as a synod especially regarding home and world missions. It will be the driving force behind implementation of the Congregation’s Vision and Mission statement. The committee is also responsible for preparing a projected annual budget for monies needed to conduct their work. The Chairman of the Evangelism Committee may establish work teams, subcommittees, task forces, etc. as he deems necessary to conduct the work of the Committee. Section 7. Chairman of the Children’s Ministry Committee The Children’s Ministry Committee shall consist of the Chairman and at least two other communicant members of the Congregation. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chairman and ratified by the Church Council. At least one other member shall be a voting member of the Congregation. All members of the committee will serve for a term of two (2) years. The Children’s Ministry Committee shall advise, assist, supervise, support, and encourage the Preschool Director in the regular operation of Ascension Lutheran Preschool. The committee shall recommend any changes in policy, tuition, and staffing to the Church Council for action. The committee shall also advise, assist, supervise, support, and encourage other children’s ministries of the Congregation, such as Mornings with Mommy, Christlight for Kids, and the like. The committee shall annually prepare and recommend to the Church Council, the proposed budget for the children’s ministries of the Congregation. It will also be responsible for executing the budget and maintaining accurate and complete financial records of children’s ministries. The Chairman of the Children’s Ministry Committee may establish work teams, subcommittees, task forces, etc. as he deems necessary to conduct the work of the Committee. Section 8. Other Committees The president, with the concurrence of the Church Council, shall appoint committees as needed (e.g., Budget Committee, Salary Review Committee, Stewardship Committee, Education Committee, etc.). Section 9. Ex-Officio Membership The pastor and the president, by virtue of their offices, are members of all board and committees and shall be informed of all meetings of all committees so that they may attend if they desire to do so.
Article V. Election of the Church Officers Section 1. The Church Council, in September, shall propose a list of nominees from the eligible members of the Congregation to consider for election of open council positions. The Church Council shall select from the voting membership a slate of candidates for the vacancies in keeping with the scriptural requirements stated in Article VIII, Section I of the Constitution. Each candidate shall be informed of the responsibilities of the office to which he is nominated. Consent of each nominee is necessary for candidacy. Section 2. The candidates’ names shall be published and posted prior to the election. Additional recommendations for nominations may be made in writing to the Church Council through any voting member. The Church Council shall consider such written nominations and take appropriate action prior to posting any revisions. Section 3. At the October meeting the voters’ assembly shall hear the recommendations of the Church Council and proceed to elect by ballot. Nominations shall not be open to the floor at the election meeting (October). A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election.
Article VI. Reception into Membership Section 1. Persons who wish to be received into membership in this Congregation {other than through the sacrament of holy baptism or rite of confirmation} shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor or the Church Council. The council shall honor the request when accompanied by a letter of transfer, a recommendation from a sister congregation, or a profession of faith, provided that qualifications for membership, as specified in Article V of the Constitution, have been met. Such actions of the Church Council shall be ratified at the next regular or special meeting of the voters’ assembly. Notice of such receptions shall be reported to the entire Congregation. Section 2. Since reception into membership signifies acceptance and submission to this Constitution and Bylaws, each individual or family shall be given a copy of the same prior to their reception so that they may become familiar with its provisions.
Article VII. Transfer, Release, or Removal from Membership Section 1. Those desiring a transfer or release from membership shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor or the Church Council for the action to be ratified at the next meeting of the voters’ assembly. Section 2. Transfer of membership shall apply only to those who desire membership in a congregation which is in agreement with this Congregation in doctrine and practice. Release from membership shall apply when affiliation is sought with those denominations not in agreement with this Congregation in doctrine and practice. Section 3. Members with whom the Congregation has been unable to communicate, despite diligent efforts to do so, may be removed from the membership list. Section 4. Members released, transferred, or removed have no further rights in this Congregation and its property. Section 5. Any person excommunicated, or whose fellowship with the Congregation has been terminated, shall be notified in writing by the Congregation of the right of appeal. This notification shall occur within 30 days of the completion of the disciplinary action. The appeal must be filed with the district president in writing, with a copy to the Congregation, within 60 days of the disciplinary action. The letter of the excommunicated person shall specify the dates involved, give the name and address of the district president, and include a copy of Article XXIV (“Appeal by Laypersons”) of the district constitution.
Article VIII. Repeal and Amendments of the Bylaws Any and all Bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall have been given the Congregation on at least two Sundays prior to the time of the meeting and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Church Council for its study and recommendation.